ThrillOut - Startup and collaboration platform for artists and music Industry professionals
Leading tools to help musicians build a career, collaborate with industry professionals, band members and maintaining their relationship with fans.
What's up
Coming up
The page you requested isn't quite in place yet, but we'r... -
6 Qualities of successful musicians
The music industry has always been competitive and cutthr... -
10 mistakes to avoid building your career
Some things you do may prevent you from the very success... -
Inbound marketing for musicians
If you’re a musician trying to get gigs or promote your m... -
From artist to entrepreneur
One important topic that need more attention among artist...
Follow and engage with your favourite artists Without an audience, music is just well made sound in a void. That is w... -
ThrillOut Careboard - It's about passion for music, people and the world combined. -
6 Qualities of successful musicians
The music industry has always been competitive and cutthroat at heart, and these days, income is becoming harder and...