You may find (or suggest) your favorite charity and reach out to them to contribute with what you do best;
- Spread the good message,
- partisipate in pro-bono work
- or perform on charity concerts to help heal the world!
Artists like yourself have power to influence your fans to do the right thing.
Through ThrillOut CareBoard you get a unique opportunity to find a favorite cause and spread the message to your fans.
Your participation can come in many forms; get booked for concerts, marketing the cause, being an ambassador for it, just spreading the word or simply donating money and inspire others to do the same.
- You find a favorite cause in the ThrillOut Careboard database
- You reach out to them and ask what you can conribute to the cause
- You may sign a standard contract with the organization on how, where and when you contribute
- And you can work together in safety and with mutual respect and commitment